Gardening This Week: Zone 5B

We are adding a new segment to our website in 2024. We are calling it “Gardening This Week: Zone 5B”. It will be a weekly account of what gardening activities we’ve completed every week on our homestead.

This will be our fifth year gardening and every year we expand and improve. Writing a weekly journal of what we do can only help us. We encourage anyone who is interested to follow along, share your thoughts, and maybe learn a thing or two along the way.

The plan is to have a new entry come out every Monday encompassing our prior weeks activities and our plans for the upcoming week/weeks.

We are a few weeks behind so far in 2024 but not so much we can’t catch up.

Here is a link to the first entry in this series if you’d like to start from the beginning. Everything we discuss in this series we also plan to have an accompanying growing guide for more in depth information.

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