Green Thumb Humour

Every now and then it’s good to look around and find the joy and humour in your life. When we feel the itch we’ve scribbled them down to share with you. Please enjoy some our how green thumb humour.

Colombian Rock Chicken

What It’s Really Like to Own Chickens As A Newbie

Everyone says owning chickens is easy – and for the most part it is relatively easy. They’re fairly low maintenance, but still require work just like any pet. When we moved to the country, we knew we wanted to get…

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How Chickens Help You Succeed in Corporate America

Working at any job – chickens and gardening can provide a sense of going back to the essence of real life. From my perspective of working in Corporate America, having our homestead and sustainable living environment is important to the…

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Ripening cherry tomatoes on a vine

Tomatoes: Weed or Invasive Species? 

All gardeners know that the easiest and best plant to grow is a tomato.  Cherry, Hot House, Gold Nugget, Big Mama, Roma, I literally do not have enough space on the page to list every single variety – and I…

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