This week was still pretty quiet as we are just entering the first week of March and have 10 weeks until our last frost here in zone 5B. We still had enough to keep us busy this week so lets get into it.
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We will have the same types of activities every week so I’ll break it down into sections to keep things organized.
Seed Starting:
We didn’t start any seeds this week. It will be a couple more weeks before we do any more seed starting.
Last week we started Rosemary and Goji berries. We are super excited that our Goji berries have already emerged and are growing strong. Goji berries are supposed to take up to 4 weeks to germinate but with a heat mat and humidity domes they only took 5 days.

We are still waiting for the Rosemary to germinate but it has only been a week so there is plenty of time.
We did have to do some transplanting this week. Our Tomatoes, Basil, and Kale seedlings needed to be put into a 4 inch container to continue growing. Soil blocks are great for seed starting but the plants can only stay in them for so long without being potted up.
If your tomato plants are a little bit leggy, this is a great opportunity to plant them deep into the new pot so they grow stronger.

We started these seeds two and a half weeks ago. We used soil blocks for the first time last year and I made the mistake of keeping our seedlings in them for too long.
This year, once the seedlings are established, I am transplanting them into their own 4 inch container. We have another three to four weeks before we plant the tomatoes and basil into our greenhouse. The Kale will be planted in the greenhouse in about two weeks.

These seedlings won’t need to be potted up again. They will go from here to their final growing location in the garden.
Our first pruning of the year was done this week. Onions that we started from seed four weeks ago needed their first haircut.

Once onion seedlings reach four to six inches tall they need to be trimmed back to help them continue to grow. Especially when they are like ours and have the seed stuck to the end of their first leaf. It weighs the leaf down, not letting it grow upright.
That was it for pruning this week. It was easy to manage even with our two, two and under, kids running around the house.
The weather this week was warm again in southeastern Ontario. Almost all of our snow has melted and our raised garden beds are starting to thaw.
We had a high of 16°C on Tuesday February 27th and 14°C on Wednesday February 28th. Next week is supposed to be more of the same with some double digit Celsius weather headed our way.
Even though the weather has been warmer than normal we need to fight the urge to start planting things too soon because it could change quickly. Last year we had a late frost on May 17th that killed a lot of our garden.
Upcoming Next Week:
This is one of the of the last weeks where there are no seeds to start. After next week things start to get BUSY!
There will still be some minor maintenance of our seedlings to do like watering and such. We will also be getting our greenhouse garden beds ready for planting as that will start in about a week.
This concludes our second entry into our gardening this week series. We hope you enjoyed it and we hope you will subscribe and follow along with us on our journey. Also, be sure to check out our other blog entries where we have growing guides, seed saving guides, and recipes.