Soil Blocks For Pepper Seeds

Gardening This Week 2024: 8 Weeks Until Last Frost

When we are 8 weeks out from our last frost date (week ending March 17th), things really start to pick up in the gardening world. This is when we tend to start seeds for planting outdoors. Up until now any seeds we’ve started have been for our greenhouse.

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This is our fourth entry into this gardening this week series. If you’ve missed any of the previous posts you can check them out here. Be sure to subscribe below to make sure you don’t miss anything on our gardening adventure this year.

Table of Contents

Seed Starting:

We started seeds two different ways this week. Direct sowing into the garden beds in our greenhouse, and starting seeds indoors to be planted outside at a later date.

Seed to be directly sowed into the ground in our greenhouse.
Direct Sowing Seeds

This in an exciting year for us starting seeds because we are starting a lot of our own seeds we’ve saved. In our greenhouse we started lettuce, spinach, radishes, and carrots. The carrots were the only seeds we needed to buy this year.

All four of these vegetables could be successfully planted into an outdoor garden at this time of year. Since we have a greenhouse we like to start there and postpone our other gardens for a few weeks.

Seeds to be started indoors to be planted outside at a later date.
Start Indoors

Starting indoors this week is peppers and onions. I got impatient with the rosemary I started three weeks ago that hasn’t germinated and started some more of them as well.

We’ve got some old and some new peppers we are growing this year. Saved seeds from our Jalapeno peppers last year will be the main portion of our pepper plot this year. For the first time we are going to be growing Cayenne, Tabasco, and Habanero peppers.

I am hoping to make my own dried cayenne pepper and some hot sauces with this years harvest.

As for the onions, I have about 80 yellow onions, and 80 red onion seeds planted to hopefully get a large harvest that’ll last us most of the winter.


I didn’t do any transplanting this week but next week I will definitely need to get my sweet potato into some soil to start growing some slips.

Sweet Potato In Water
Sweet Potato In Water


The only pruning I did this week was to give our onion seedlings that we started 6 weeks ago their second trimming as they are growing well.

Onion Seedlings
Onion Seedlings


We had our third straight warm week here in southern Ontario. On Wednesday we had a high of 18°C (64°F) with sunny skies and a light breeze. Since it was so nice outside there were plans of doing extra gardening tasks, but that quickly changed to spending the day playing outside with our two kids.

Next week should cool down to more seasonal weather with daily highs in the low single digits. It will still be warm enough to get some outdoor gardening done but it will probably keep us from planting outdoors for another week.

Upcoming Next Week:

Next week we have no new seeds to start so it will consist mostly of prepping our gardens and taking care of our seedlings. Depending on the weather report we might transplant kale and tomatoes into our greenhouse.

Tomato seedlings under a grow light.
Tomato Seedlings

This week I wasn’t able to prep our wheat bed so this needs to get done next week. We also plan to build a new flower bed along the pathway to our front entrance of our house.


This concludes this entry into our gardening this week series. We hope you enjoyed it and we hope you will subscribe and follow along with us on our journey. Also, be sure to check out our other blog entries where we have growing guides, seed saving guides, and recipes. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below.

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