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Scarecrow Mounted in Garden Bed with Corn
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Step-By-Step How To Make a Scarecrow

Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Author: Dina Wilson


  • 1 Hat (preferably old and any kind)
  • 1 Pair of Jeans (preferably old or any type of pant)
  • 1 Button-Up Shirt (preferably old, bonus points if it's plaid)
  • 1 Stuffable Bag for Face (burlap onion bag, or anything else you have lying around)
  • 1 Stick or Branch Length of Shirt Arm Width (this will hold up your scarecrow's arms)
  • 3 Zip-ties (really as many as you want, we only used 3)
  • 1 Bunch of String (we used this for the pants)
  • 1 Long Piece of Wood to Mount Scarecrow To


  • Put the stick or branch through the arms and back of the scarecrows top.
  • Tie up pant and shirt ends, this will hold your stuffing in the scarecrow.
    Scarecrow Shirt and Pants
  • Tuck shirt into the pants.
  • Stuff the outfit with wheat straw.
  • Stuff the bag for the face (use your hard to measure how much you want to stuff the bag). Be careful of over-stuffing and not having your hat fit!
  • Zip-tie the bag through the top shirt button to hold in place.
  • Using the zip-tie from the above step, zip-tie that to the back long piece of wood you want to mount the scarecrow on.
    Stuffed Scarecrow Ready to Mount
  • If using a ballcap, zip-tie the back of the ballcap to the long piece of wood to keep the hat in place as well.
    Scarecrow Stuffed and Zip-Tied
  • Use the string as a belt through the belt loop to hold the outfit up.
  • EXTRA: Screw the arm holding the stick or branch to the back wood for extra security
  • Mount your scarecrow in place and let it scare those animals away from your garden!
    Scarecrow Mounted in Garden Bed with Corn