Four weeks until last frost for us is the week ending April 14th. Half way through April, but still “early” in the spring season. This is the time of year that we start a lot of seeds directly in the garden.
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If you’ve been following along you’ll know that because of weather we are actually a week behind in sowing our outdoor garden beds. If you would like to get caught up on all our gardening adventure so far this year check it out here.
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Seed Starting:
As stated in the introduction we were a week behind in planting our outdoor garden bed. So that’s what we did this week.

After spending a few hours in the garden I was able to get the following planted: Carrots, Peas, Beets, Radishes, Kale, Spinach, and Cauliflower.
We’ve never had much luck with cauliflower so this year instead of trying to hard, I simply generously spread some cauliflower seeds on the soil surface and lightly covered them. If anything comes up, great! If not, that’s OK too.
On our agenda that was not accomplished was planting our potatoes in potato bags.
Updates On Prior Seeds Started:
The radishes that we started 4 weeks ago in our greenhouse are almost ready to be harvested. In a few days we’ll be able to eat our first home grown food of the 2024 season.

Our kale is growing really well and can be harvested soon as well. We harvest kale as a cut and come again crop so technically we could harvest a few leaves at any point.
We will let them grow for a few more weeks before we start to harvest.

Lastly, we have sprouts growing on our sweet potatoes. The sprouts first appeared on April 8th. The sweet potato was set into the soil on January 27th.
It’s been a long time coming but we finally have some momentum. We grew some tiny sweet potatoes last year and they were delicious. We can’t wait for these.

The only thing transplanted this week was basil. We have some already growing in the greenhouse that are volunteer plants from us harvested basil seeds last fall. So only two basil seedlings we transplanted.

Our main use for the basil in the greenhouse is to harvest some and use it to propagate more basil to plant with our tomatoes.
Pruning season is finally here to stay and it will be a main priority for us on a weekly basis. We have five tomatoes in the greenhouse, 3 of them being indeterminate tomatoes.
Indeterminate tomatoes need to be pruned to get the best growth out of them. This week I went through these three tomato plants and removed all of the suckers that had started to grow.

The weather was a tale of two halves this week. At the start of the week we had warm weather and sunny skies. By the end of the week we had a large storm that lots of wind and rain for three days. For the first time this year we had a whole week where it didn’t get below the freezing mark.
The storm finally broke Sunday evening at the time of this writing. Next week we are in for pleasant weather.
Upcoming Next Week:
Next week we are planting our potatoes, for sure!
Flower bed building is another top priority this week.
There are no seeds to start this week unless things go smoother than usual and we are able to start some flower seeds.
This concludes this entry into our gardening this week series. We hope you enjoyed it and we hope you will subscribe and follow along with us on our journey. Also, be sure to check out our other blog entries where we have growing guides, seed saving guides, and recipes. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below.
I never plant until may where I live. I’m looking forward to getting back in the garden.
We’re pretty lucky with the greenhouse, we can start everything early.